I find it interesting that Dudley have run to the new fm league just as clubs like Olympic and Croatia establish themselves in zone league 1. it all seems a bit convenient and don’t try sell me on the idea that the new fm league is more competitive.
I find it interesting that Dudley have run to the new fm league just as clubs like Olympic and Croatia establish themselves in zone league 1. it all seems a bit convenient and don’t try sell me on the idea that the new fm league is more competitive.
Are you that clueless. They haven?t ?run? to newfm league. They finished first and the federation forced them up or they had to go back to ZL3. You tell us what they should have chosen. They wanted to stay where they are and indicated that like the Suns the whole time but when presented with going up of back to the bottom they chose up.
The same thing will happen next year for whoever finishes first weather they like it or not
You’re the clueless one, if Olympic finish first next year which they very well could, they cannot go up so learn the facts!! Cannot have same club in NPL & NEWFM. Suns have taken the smart road and affiliated with Magic to avoid promotion though it has cost them FFA CUP games next season
Why? Has Cardiff’s bank account dried up after paying big dollars for players only for the team to finish mid table? Worst kept secret in zone league that is,
Not even the powerball numbers would get you guys a title lol
would love if northern brought in rules that all clubs must show bank statements but they’re too busy trying to make newfm and npl snoozefest leagues watchable
One thing for sure is they live rent free in your heads. Not even in zone 1 yet and that?s all you want to talk about.
[QUOTE=Mr Beautiful 2.0;276718]Why? Has Cardiff’s bank account dried up after paying big dollars for players only for the team to finish mid table? Worst kept secret in zone league that is,
So 4th place is now considered mid table id more say 6th 7th is mid table
You dont sound like a very stable person. Cardiff has done great in getting to 4th spot from last position in the previous season. If you think it is due to money, not only are you wrong, you embarrass yourself with false info like a middle school child.
Everything you have said so far is dribble.
Be a very strong competition next year. Whether teams are spending a little more cash or not, that is upto them. Brings the standard higher. Isnt that what we all want?
Beautiful 2.0 time to have nap and get another hobby
I find it comical when users try take the high ground but resort to childish name calling in the process and Americanised terms like “middle school”.
I have nothing against spending money but it should be transparent and reportable to northern. Also I wouldn’t calling what Cardiff do spending money, I’d call it wasting money.
3rd the awesome Olympic on 48 points
4th Cardiff on 36 points
6th the awesome kotara lions on 35 points
Well done you lucked into 4th by 1 point and were miles off points to get to 3rd place
Plenty of cash, obviously you didn't get the sarcasm, i thought you know everything.
Well Mr B, if you were as smart as you make out, you would know that Northern do monitor the bank balances of clubs, you are supposed to give your financial records to them and players who are paid are even regoed differently to players that are not paid. It is called a professional player registration/contract.
As we are community football and we are not run by Northen and as such they don't look at our books technically the same and our players are not registered the same as a paid player is yet, but that is coming.
If they did that this year some clubs and some players could be in trouble (tax evasion is a crime).
Not sure what happened to you with Cardiff, but you sound like a royal twat carrying on about us, if you really want to whine, dont hide behind the keyboard, lets meet up..
love a good face to face....you get to know a person better by looking them in the eyes..
putting this straight, Suns wanted to or are speaking to one of our 3rds players who filled in to coach 1st for the day, whilst our head coach was suspended and was standing outside the fence.
He was our head coach a few years ago, so Cardiff is keeping their coach...cheers
That will make for an even juicier clash when suns play croatia then, family bragging rights up foe grabs
Hearing one of the Palozzis taking over at Suns